Revolutionize Your Office Hydration
Experience the world first bottle-less water dispenser with a built-in air purifier for a healthier workplace.

Please do your SWOT & compare
Innovative Water Solutions
Transforming office hydration with our unique bottle-less dispensers and integrated air purification for a healthier workplace.

Healthy Office Solutions
Experience the future of hydration with our innovative bottle-less water dispensers and air purifiers.
Why 6 in 1 Air Purifier?
One or Two air purifiers are NOT enough
Better to more standard size instead of single large unit

NEU Bottle-less Convenience
Our Fast-response & Hassle-free are your advantage
Tested Reliable, Durable & Effective is our promise
Healthy Hydration
Discover our innovative bottle-less water dispenser with air purification.

Clean Drinking Water & Fresh Indoor Air Management
Discover how NEU Alt transforms your office